lunedì 7 febbraio 2022

THE NATVRAL with TETHERS change of skin

 KIP BERMAN ha chiuso la parentesi come THE PAINS OF BEING PURE HEART, PER BUTTARSI A CAPOFITTO IN QUESTO NUOVO PROGETTO SONORO, CHIAMATO the NATVRAL. Con la sua prima band , lo abbiamo conosciuto mentre rincorreva sonorità cari ai MT BLOODY VALENTINE e JESUS AND MARY CHAIN. Ora invece pur scrivendo sempre dei brani all'altezza, il suo suono si è piu' cantautorale, traendo come modelli BOB DYLAN, NEIL YOUNG e BILLY BRAG.

KIP BERMAN closed the parenthesis as THE PAINS OF BEING PURE HEART, TO THROW IT HEADLY IN THIS NEW SOUND PROJECT, CALLED the NATVRAL. With his first band, we met him while he was chasing sounds dear to MT BLOODY VALENTINE and JESUS ​​AND MARY CHAIN. Now, however, while always writing songs at the height, his sound is more 'songwriter, drawing as models BOB DYLAN, NEIL YOUNG and BILLY BRAG.

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