giovedì 17 febbraio 2022

FIELD MUSIC with FLAT WHITE MOON don't miss a shot.

 Tornano i fratelli Brewis, in piena pandemia hanno costruito questo album giusto per far sentire in pace e dare positività a chi stesse ascoltandolo. I testi piuttosto oscuri, mentre la musica diventa momenti di pura goduria POP, in tutte le sue essenze sonore, tra acustici, elettronico, orchestrali, ma sempre all'insegna di far del bene all'umore della gente, e non è poco.

The Brewis brothers are back, in full pandemic they built this album just to make people feel at peace and give positivity to those who were listening to it. The rather obscure lyrics, while the music becomes moments of pure POP pleasure, in all its sound essences, including acoustic, electronic, orchestral, but always in the name of doing good to the mood of the people, and that's no small feat.

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