lunedì 10 giugno 2024

SLEAFORD MODS with UK GRIM-die-hard brits.

 Torna il due piu' arrabbiato del regno unito, dall'animo PUNK, contro il sistema odierno, ti portano dentro il quotidiano delle persone comuni e della attuale società. Parlano la stessa lingua del popolo inglese, contro la borghesia come si faceva a meta' anni 70, ben vengano i SLEAFORD MODS A VITA.

The angriest two in the United Kingdom are back, with a PUNK soul, against today's system, they take you into the daily life of ordinary people and current society. They speak the same language as the English people, against the bourgeoisie as was done in the mid 70s, welcome to the SLEAFORD MODS FOR LIFE.

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