mercoledì 31 maggio 2023

WARPAINT with RADIATE LIKE THIS one could dare

 Tornano le Warpaint con il quarto lavoro dal 2008, un disco che si allontana dai precedenti fatti di rock,dream-pop, art-rock, per certi versi ci ricorda certi lavori dei COCTEAU TWINS fino a giungere ai Siouxsie and the banshees. Le chitarre qui lasciano piu' spazio ai synth, manca quella carica, energia, c'è qualche pausa di troppo.

Warpaint are back with their fourth work since 2008, a record that moves away from the previous facts of rock, dream-pop, art-rock, in some ways reminds us of certain works by COCTEAU TWINS up to Siouxsie and the banshees. The guitars here leave more room for the synths, there is no charge, energy, there are too many pauses.

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