venerdì 6 maggio 2022

SACCADES with FLOWING FADES the 60's breathe.

 NICHOLAS WOOD con il suo progetto SACCADES, accantona la sua band i THE KVB, per dedicarsi a questo album solista, il quale profuma di anni 60 , con quelli paesaggi pop psych, tanto cari a gente come i BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD e DONOVAN, tra giri di tastiere, beat cadenzati e tanta leggerezza.

NICHOLAS WOOD with his project SACCADES, sets aside his band THE KVB, to devote himself to this solo album, which smells of the 60s, with those pop psych landscapes, so dear to people like BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD and DONOVAN, between laps of keyboards, rhythmic beats and a lot of lightness.

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