lunedì 25 ottobre 2021

THE NOTWIST with VERTIGO DAYS after seven years .....

 Dopo sette lunghi anni, i THE NOTWIST tornano a fare musica e lo fanno, come sempre in maniera personale e passionale. Continuano a sfornare melodie elettroniche, krautrock, pop decadente, ma stavolta ci aggiungono elementi indie, fusion, jazz, elementi che vanno ancor piu', a rendere questo lavoro molto variegato, si guarda sempre piu' al futuro.

After seven long years, THE NOTWIST are back to making music and they do it, as always in a personal and passionate way. They continue to churn out electronic melodies, krautrock, decadent pop, but this time they add indie elements, fusion, jazz, elements that go even more, to make this work very varied, we look more and more to the future.

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