giovedì 28 gennaio 2021

CAR SEAT HEADREST with MAKING A DOR LESS OPEN original and involving

 Will Toledo ,un artista che ha vari progetti tra le mani, tra cui CAR SEAT HEADREST ,infatti ecco alle stampe ultimo disco, un contenuto fortemente influenzato da sue esperienze, visto che qui si suona liberamente EDM,HIP-HOP,SOUL,R'N'R fino ad arrivare a momenti in pieno stile RADIOHEAD, non so puo' rimanerne indifferenti. 

Will Toledo, an artist who has various projects in his hands, including CAR SEAT HEADREST, in fact here is the latest album in the press, a content strongly influenced by his experiences, given that here EDM, HIP-HOP, SOUL, R 'are played freely. N'R until you get to moments in full RADIOHEAD style, I don't know can remain indifferent.

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